Zoo Knoxville asking for Tree Branch and Limb Donations for Some of Their Animals
Photo courtesy of Zoo Knoxville

Zoo Knoxville asking for Tree Branch and Limb Donations for Some of Their Animals

Zoo Knoxville officials said they are accepting tree branches and limbs for donations for the animals.

Anyone can donate branches, twigs and tender shoots to help feed the elephants and giraffes.

Zoo officials emphasized that anything sprayed with chemicals or pesticides cannot be used.

Elephants and giraffes prefer certain types of limbs and branches from the following trees, according to zoo officials:

  • Bradford Pear
  • Sugar Maple
  • Silver Maple
  • Mulberry
  • Chestnut oak
  • White oak
  • Hickory
  • Eastern Redbud
  • River birch
  • Box Elder
  • Elm
  • Hackberry
  • Honey Suckle (Not in Berry because they are toxic)
  • Mimosa
  • Grape Vine
  • Willow
  • Tulip Poplar

Anyone interested in donating must deliver to the zoo. Drop-offs can be arranged by calling (865) 637-5331 ext. 1280. Story courtesy of WVLT


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