KCS To Report On Progress, Celebrate Reward Schools

KCS To Report On Progress, Celebrate Reward Schools

Knox County Schools will give a report on progress made toward the district’s annual goals and to celebrate the eighteen Reward Schools recognized by the Tennessee Department of Education.

It will be at Bearden Elementary School tomorrow (Tuesday) and will focus on key data points outlined in the 2023-24 KCS Annual Report. Attendees will include Superintendent Dr. Jon Rysewyk, key district leaders, and principals from this year’s state-designated Reward Schools.

The Annual Report is also available at https://www.knoxschools.org/cms/lib/TN01917079/Centricity/Domain/13420/AnnualReport_Pages_Web_FINAL.pdf


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Hal, Phil, and Bob- Off the Record 10.0!

Hal, Phil, and Bob- Off the Record 10.0!

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